Relinquishing Control

Me and LenLee are renovating his our the trailer.
We're hoping by the end of this renovating period the trailer will look like this:
So far I've chosen:
1. couch fabric- dark brown
2. tiles for the floors
3. tiles in the kitchen
4. cabinet handles
5. cabinet stain
6. faucet styles and colors

Feeling like this wasn't a "joint effort" and more of a "me-effort" [but hellooooo, i'm the girl!], 
I decided to let him choose the paint color. 
This was a very small leash though. I told him
1. no bright colors!
2. no dark colors!
3. no designs!
4. a derivative of off-white, beige, or tan, if you will!

And the only space we're considering painting is fairly small compared to the rest of the trailer. 
But as small the space that I gave him to exercise his creative side... We ended up with:
1. bright yellow walls
2. with dark
3. boxes as the design

That's what I get for making my colorblind novio choose paint colors.

Pics coming sooooon!

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