Happy Birthday Blessie!

Sooooo my Biscuitlover turned 19. Blessie always has the best birthdays. Thats one of the things I love about her. Speaking of things I love about her, here's nineteen of them!

1. She lets me call her whatever I want. She understands my love of nicknames and that fact that nicknames dont have to make sense. (Frito, JeanBob, Biscuit)
2. We talk about the same things over and over and it never gets old.
3. In highschol we one spent 36 hours together, just the two of us, in one room. Creeps.
4. We share a love of reading and writing. We support and inspire each other. I'm glad to have a friend like that :)
5. Blessie is really talented at anything artistic. Shes an artist in every sense of the word. I'm very jealous.
6. I love that she let me cut her hair once. And not just a little piece in the back... She let me cut about ten inches of hair off with kitchen scissors. One uneven inch at a time.
7. Blessie's gorgeous! I think she knows that she is. How could she not?! But she doesn't boast about it anything.
8. She knows me inside and out. SHe can read my intentions which is really annoying. Its actually something I hate about her. So it shouldn't be on this list.
9. Blessie says that I saved her life once. She doesnt know that everyday she saves mine.
10. Theres a picture of me going around the San Antonio Northside that Blessie drew of me. I just realized this "I love Blessie blog" is more about me than of Blessie... I suck.
11. Regifting Queen!
12. She accepts my family in all of its craziness. She even calls my parents Aunti Brenya nad Uncle Ron. Apreciated =)
13. I love that she's an architecture major. It's something I never would have seen her wanting to do in highschool. But it fits her perfectly like traveling pants.
14. Google man, Lala Dimple, and Damien all mean something to her.
15. She loves her brother and hates her brother at the same time. Only... she doesn't really hate him.
16. She has hopefully ignored all the spelling/grammar mistakes I've made in this post because she knows I have no intention of editing because...
17. Blessie likes things raw. Like poetry.
18. She's down for everything. She planned a camping trip in two days. Got in the car with me and let me drive her out of the city without telling her where we were going till that day. And she paraded around Austin without a jacket in freezing weather.
19. Blessie and I spend important holidays together. (Thanksgiving, Mothers Day, Fathers Day, New Years)

Happy Birthday BeeQeenShnukums!

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