
Webster defines family as : a group of individuals living under one roof and usually under one head. 
(One head? Whatheffffheck does that even mean, Webster?)

I define family as : a bunch of crazies who fight hard and love harder. 
Also they clean each others toilets for each other. (As being done by my bestfriend roommate sister as I type.)
Well this is my wittle family. 
Yes, I gave birth to all of them. 
By give birth I mean, I've been nannying for them since I was taller than the the oldest! 
We fight lots. We love lots. I've been blessed with another year with them and I can't hide the oodles and oodles of joy I feel thinking we'll be together for another round of birthdays, growing up firsts, weddings, cheerleading, and tantrums! 
Plus I just really like that picture.

I'm Baaaaaaaaaaaack

Tomorrow is my 2 week anniversary of surrendering myself to God.
It was long overdue, y'all. Have you noticed my absence of blogging lately?
[Probably not. Which is okay its whatever ;) ]

But its because I've been struggling with the big D.
[No not diarrhea you nasty, people. Why would that keep me from blogging?]
[i had a paragraph written here but decided to delete it because im not sure i trust everyone who reads my blog. i decided not to go into details about my depression. wanna know more? just ask.]
I surrendered to the King of Kings, y'all.. I cried a bunch. I smiled a whole lot more. All this PAIN was completely lifted off me. Pain I didn't even know I had. But all of a sudden I felt light
Light as in:
of comparatively little physical weight or effort AND
a device serving as a source of illumination.

It's truly unexplainable.

And I'm not a health-and-wealth-prosperity-gospel* kind of girl. In fact, I think that following Jesus is incredibly hard. BUT upon surrendering myself to Him, I gotta tell ya, life has go t a whole lot better. I'm a lot happier. Fuller. Lighter. ;)

A lot of good things have been happening to me. I think He's just trying to show that He loves me very much and how happy He is that I have returned.

Life's good! I've been joking around a whole lot more (like my former self). My mom never understands my jokes and my boyfriend the other day said "I'm not used to you joking!" 

I love life. But I believe that Jesus is even better!**

*if youre easily offended, or pastor hagee, i dont suggest you look at that link ;)
**its a Vineyard thing.