
Today me and Lee ate our weight in Thai food. We also played a very intense game of hide and go seek all around Boerne and watched Charlie St Cloud. I've been craving fruit salad so we bought all the necessary supplies but were too full and tired to prepare or eat.

Also, we fell in love all over again. Which is necessary and a good sign of relationship longevity.
Aren't I quite the scientist?

Days like these make me whistle myself to sleep. Ya know.. if I could whistle.

Valentines Day

My Valentines Day was EXTRA special. I had been sick all week so I requested we do something at home. With both me and Lee struggling to pay bills and taxes, I requested to do something cheap. Oh and we both agreed NO presents. Even with my limitations Lee planned the most romantic night.

Lee doesnt use recipes or measurements. Also everything he cooks
 is basically a medium to shovel spice to his mouth. Good thing he knows 
thats how I like my food! This here is whole wheat penne with grilled chicken. 
Homemade cranberry and jalapeno alfredo sauce. And garlic texas toast. 

Surprise desert: Layered chocolate covered strawberrys in a wine glass. 
[I had already eaten half of it when this picture was taken!
 I had forgotten to take a pic, so my servant-hearted Lee re-whipcreme it.]

BFFs and lovers enjoying VDAY. Clearly we both rock at taking 
pics before the other is ready.. Also, I had to edit my shirt because 
of a combination of cleavage and a huge alfredo stain.

Then we did a puzzle because Lee remembered number 10 on this list.
He's so thoughtful and sweet. I'll post a picture when we finish it.
If you know me, you know we didn't connect more than 10 pieces.

Then we ended the night snuggling, watching Independence Day, 
and eating the three boxes of chocolate I got from my various valentines
[ parents, kids, Lee]. (ID because I've never seen it! 
Next on the list of popular movies I've never seen is Titanic.)

Hope your VDay was just as wonderful! 
Whether you spent it with your novio, your babies, or your friends!

A Poem: Melancholy

She’s sitting atop the dinner table
legs crossed like an Indian so close to him
her knees brush the edges of his newspaper,
which is opened to the sports page.
Laker Victory.
“Can you believe that? The Lakers are on fire this season.”
But his hesitation to issue the initiation of this bit of conversation
just highlights his dedication to discourage conversation
leaving her in frustration and isolation.
But still admiration for this man she does love.
And with his mind intoxicated by work, porn, and the Lakers he replies…
Her crossed legs uncross and she tucks them into bed
so that she can wake up once again when the starts drift off to sleep.

A Poem: Remember

oh sarah tell me the story
the one of your ground cinnamon summer
remind me please; ive forgotten the song
tell me you still remember sarah
oh sarah do you remember?

i can still see the chants of the beggars
words bounce from lips to ears and inbetween the tracks
trapped and rolling in solitude with the wheels
i discover "alegria cinco pesos" spinning roundroundround
sarah, do you remember how they sold happiness?
i sniffed the glaring crimson at the market place
oh sarah i can still smell the vibrant sun
red glows hot like God himself played a trick on the sky
all the small children duck between my legs
remember the tiangis, sarah?
i am awakened by the cries of the tamales
the stench of rot teases my stomach
i gagged from the green leafed noises
mumbles pass to my listening ears over desayuno
do you remember what you whispered?
in every coffee bean or banana peel, i taste the wind
pushing back my wobbly cheeks the rushed air infiltrates
the moto refuses to scale the hill to our home
three people is two too much so we push and push
do you remember how bitter the world seemed?
the prayers whiz past my head and into heaven
it tickles me, sarah, just like we do to our little sister
my mouth feels the heaviness of each sacrament
not even the thickest floss can rid me of those words
sarah do you remember the old women's folded hands?

oh sarah please do you remember?
was our golden walled summer a dream?
you must recall these same stories
tell me you still remember sarah
oh sarai i have forgotten