I Fell In Love With My BFF. Scoreeeeeee

Sometime back before Sir Morgan and I started dating:

Sosilly: No one ever prepared me for this. Its terrible.
Lee: What do you mean?
Sosilly: It's always you know.. the boy in algebra or captain of the football team.
Lee: WHAT IS?!?!
Sosilly: Like you never hear about things like this happening. I never knew it could happen.
Lee: I really don't understand what you're talking about...
Sosilly: Falling in love. Falling in love with your bestfriend.
Lee: That's what 99.7% of love stories are about...
Sosilly: Oh yeah...


I've been "up to" a lot of things lately.
Things I don't feel like blogging about because I never wanted my blog to become a thingsidoblog.
Also Sir Morgan is at 99.8% of these things and I never wanted my blog to be about allthingsboyfriend.
But I've been terribly uninspired lately. Soooo lets just get to the I'm uninspired but haven't given up on my blog obligatory blog post.

Fighting with Sir Morgan at his cousin's [soooo sweet and trendy] wedding.
Forgetting that "getting ready for formal" don't mean throwing on a dress from my trunk.
Thinking about my family (the one i nanny for) moving makes me cry and the move is a still a month away.
Spending way to much time playing Anarchy Online because I'm in love with a nerd.

Realizing it'as a miracle I'm 116 when all I eat is Doritos and strawberry ice cream.
Baptizing one of my closest friends on Easter, even though neither side of my family came to it.
Writing 15 (count em) FIFTEEN papers in 2 days and getting A+s on all a demmmm!
Hanging out with my Mama while my car got detailed! Thanks Mom! But hey Texas Shine, you missed a spot. Justsayin.

I Should Blog

but i have nothing to sayyyyy.

A Picture Is Worth A Thousand Words



Like oil upon your feet 
Like wine for you to drink 
Life water from my heart 
I pour my love on you 
With praises like the perfume 
I lavish mine on you 
Till every drop is gone 
I pour my love on you

We studied this passage at Bible Study this week. We talked about the consequences of sin and God's forgiveness. We also talked about how to show God love. I think that's important. Then I thought about this quote
"Do you know God, or do you know about God?"
I'm not even sure that I know God. I really hope I do. Not just thinking I know God but instead twisting God to fit my worldly view. 

I'm baptizing my friend on Easter. I'm so excited for her! 
To be a part of this makes my heart smile.

Nerd Alert

I like puzzles.
Me and Lee do lots of puzzles. We did these both on Monday.
I like puzzles because I get to sit next to Lee for extended periods of time.
Lee likes puzzles because Lee loves tasks and, more importantly, finishing tasks.

We are complete opposites, and it's hard to figure out sometimes.
Aw well at least we both love puzzles. Nahhmean? ;]

even after all these years,

i still forget that those random moments of loneliness or longing or dissatisfaction that i feel crippled by and wonder what the reason is, 

i forget that the solution is ALWAYS
NOT i need to see lee*
NOT i need more/better friends
NOT i need to lose weight
NOT i need to be productive
but it’s ALWAYS ALWAYS ALWAYS “i need more jesus-time right now.” 
even after all these years.

*Borrowed from my friend Dani's blog so I switched it from Daniel (her adorable Asian boyfie) to the name of my adorable boyfie, Lee.