Things That Made Me Enjoy My Weekend Thoroughly

1. Realizing that I am the truest of true Harry Potter fanatic! Started reading the books at age 8. Bought every single book (following the first one) by camping out at Borders/B&N, even in Ohio on vacation. And the last book came out when I was 16 years old. (8 to 16) I spent half my life growing up with Harry Potter. I saw the newest movie for FREEEEE on the Friday it came out. Because die hard HP fans know how to make it work. 
Sidenote: In the books the Dark Mark looks like this; and its really annoying that the movie changed it.
2. Eating popsicles in the freezing cold with Karen, Elisa, and that other boy whose name I can't remember. It's refreshing to not have to speak english for once. I appreciate being immersed in a spanish-speaking culture even just for an evening. I also loved reminiscing about the tamale cart and mexico city.

3. Orange Leaf got rid of my favorite flavor! UGH! It always does that to me. But thats alright because while I was there with my bestfreinds I ran into some really great friends. I love when that happens! Especially because I introduced them all to Orange Leaf!

4. Seeing Blessie and Candice allllllllllllll day long on Saturday! Orange Leaf, James Avery, Target, Petland, Shokolad, Victoria's Secret, Shane Rd. We travel from place to place doing what our hearts desire, including chocolate covered sunflower seeds and french bulldog puppies.
5. Lee and I made up a dance. And by "Lee and I" I mean just me. So the dance is a tad silly, or as I say... Sosilly (ha ha). But you should expect that from me; I wouldn't deliver anything else. Sidenote: It's perfectly paired with Kyle Park's Somebody's trying To Steal My Heart!
6. Blessie and I avoided her now 17 year old brother's birthday party by hanging out in a inescapable room without door handles and watching scary movies. I wouldn't have had it any other way.

7. Lee met my daddykins! This is also the first time I've seen my dad since Augustish (oh minus my emergency room visit). Scalloped potatoes. Chicken Marsala. Red Pepper Spaghetti. My dad and Lee have something in common... AMAZING COOKS!

8. Intervarsity Christian Fellowship's Thanksgiving Dinnner!!!! Food Fun Friends. Enough said!

9. Candice wants to name her new Corgi, Pupcake! Everything Candice attempts to do is covered in sappy sweetness, kindheartedness, and ubercuteness. That's Moo for ya.
10. Reagan Kirstin, and Ryan! I didn't have to work Monday (nannying), so I thought "what better to do than go babysit a different family's children".  Under any other circumstances that would have been terrible. But I love Lee and Lee's family and those kids are sweeter that sugar.

Run On Sentences

I always write in run on sentences when I am overjoyed because I have no need to stop the overflowing of happiness with commas or periods or capital letters but for the sake of my readers maybe just maybe I'll use some punctuation after these pictures

Why am I so joyful you ask? Well it's because right now I'm studying at Borders with Lee.
No you'll never believe it when I tell you anyways. 
You'll say "But it is only November the eleventh!" 
And I will say "But it is true! Be jealous!" 
Okay I'll let you in on our little secret....


[If I die being somewhat famous for my love of pigs the quote I want to be remembered for is]
"Oh to be in love in a Christmas music playing bookstore."
-Sosina Haile 

Fearless, And Not The TS Version

I was a new girl at school and already people we're calling me by the wrong name. 
You see my name is difficult to pronounce. I guess? Really only small children, my family,
and Lee can say it right. By the time I was 6 teachers, peers, and strangers pronounced 
my name So-see-na. It's So-sin-ah, fools. 

But I don't mean that these schoolmates we're butchering my name. They were calling me 
Blessie. Blessie? Who the eff is that? So I figure out who this Blessie girl is that people are 
confusing with me. I investigate. 

Oh she's that pretty girl on the softball team? She knows seven different languages? 
She was the youngest in the class before I came in? Did she skip a grade or... Oh 
you don't know? Guess I'll ask her myself... 

So little old me aproached little old Blessie sitting in the bleachers before school 
started. She doesn't look like me at all... So you speak 7 different languages huh? 
Yeah. Cool. Yeah. Then we go to class.

Long Story Short.... My bestfriend went skydiving today. 
Shes nuts, who jumps out of a plane? 
Nonetheless, I'm terribly impressed with her. 
She's inspiring and fearless. 

I Can SmellFeelSeeHearTaste The Holdiays!

But usually I enjoy it.
This year I.... LOVE IT!
Heres why....

1. Starbuck's Red Holiday Cups Are Back! And They Brought Their Friend Peppermint White Chocolate!

2. The Weather Is Chillin Out! That Means My Silly Hat And A New Jacket!

3. Thanksgiving Is Around The Corner! I'm Thankful To Be Spending TG in Barksdale With Lee's Family!

4. My Mom's Day After TG Tradition of Having All My Friends Over To Put Up A 16FT Christmas Tree!

5. Then It's Freaking Christmas!!!!! Happy Birthday Jesus!!!

6. My Mommmmmy Turns FIFTY!!!! Woah!!!

7. New York City For A Whole Week (To Visit Family)! I Haven't Been In Two Years!!!

8. Biscuit's Birthday! It's A Holiday Of It's Own!! Cranium? Camping? Austin? Who Knows!!!

9. MY BIRTHDAY!!!! Finally, Lee Won't Be Robbing The Cradle Any More. I'll Be Out Of The Teens!