Mr. Postman,

Could you have been any meaner to me this morning? Seriously! Was your condescending tone necessary? Does is sweeten up your day to see a poor innocent girl like me be humiliated? Were you too dragged out of bed, forgoing your favored morning 2 sugars 2 creams cup of joe, just to arrive here at 8 (or 10:45 doesnt matter) so that I could have my appointment with your scowling face? Must you be such a JERK? No, I'm not sixteen. Yes, I am eighteen. No, I'm not married, you just asked me if I was sixteen! Oh wait. I'm nineteen. Sorry. Sorrrrrrry. Didn't know being nineteen offended  you so much. You were nineteen at some point weren't you? Oh you werent... ? You were born middle aged and disgruntled? Sucks for you. Don't take it out on me. You see, it was just my birthd.... I don't have my birth certifcate. I just brought my passport. ...Sigh. When's your next available appointment? --5 minutes later my missionary self was crying on the phone to my mom. Life is too much. The devil is a workin'! My darling postman, I suggest Folger's hazelnut blend for tomorrow. You're a.... MEANIE.

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