They All Decided To Be True To Themselves

This is an illustration by Joanna Abott Moss featured in The Persistence Of Yellow. She never lifts her pen off the paper when she draws. Continuous line drawing. 

[One Monday morning,
Juanita decided to dance the Cha Cha
her sister Sylvia
learned to play the acordian,
Gloria invented a new language.
They all decided
to be true to themselves.]
I wish I could let Jesus define me. 
What is status? What are labels?
 I am not A GIRL. I am not a MIXED POET. I am not the PRAYER COORDINATOR of IVCF. 
Of course, I am all of those things.
 But I am not any of those things compared to who Jesus is. 
[And who I am in Jesus.] 
I want to be defined by who I am in Christ. 
I dwell in Him and He in me. (1 John 4:13).
 I want to hate my mother. Hate my puppies. Hate my brothers.
 And hate myself in comparison to how much I love my Father. (Luke14:25-27).
 Just like that Monday morning when Juanita danced the ChaCha, I want to be true to myself.
 I want to be true to God first, thus being true to myself.

1 comment:

Joey said...

I want to be true to God...