Ahhh Sleep

Tuesday March 30th:
I could not fall asleep till 4:30a.m. (technically on Wednesday the 31st). Thoughts were rolling through my head like Ashley on the treadmill Day 1 at the Biggest Loser Ranch. (She's come so far!) So I finished reading Kite Runner. (Go buy that book NOW! SoGood!) Slept until 9:30. God knows why because I don't have class till 5:30.

Wednesday March 31:
Because I had a test on Thursday I stayed on campus till 2 studying irregular verbs in the yo form. Then Lee picked me up and forced me to eat yummy fries at Whataburger. We talkedtalkedtalked (I talkedtalkedtalked?) till like 5ish and then I drifted off to sleep around  6. (Because who really knows when they fall asleep?) Four hours later I was awake and alert and had missed my two morning classes.

Thursday April Fools: I was in bed and knocked out at midnight. Woke up just now at 10:40.

Jesus, Thankyou for your rejuvination in the form of sleep.


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