Airport Bars

I remember one month  my uncle came to visit from Germany.
He stayed at our house for a long time and he smoked cigarettes outside and I went to school and made fake cigarettes out of Kleenex but I got in trouble when I got home and so my mom had him talk to me about the dangers of smoking but I was only six and frankly I didn't care. When he left we all went to the airport and this was before the September 11th tragedy so the whole family was allowed to go to the gate and we were running late and I really really wanted Doritos from the vending machine and by the time I had counted my quarters and pushed the button my uncle had already boarded his plane. I never got to say goodbye. This is also the day that my mom met three or four British cowboys and even though I couldn't go onto the plane to give my uncle one last hug and kiss, I did get to hang out with these men with silly accents and big hats. It was then and there I realized that I am going to marry a cowboy but now I'm not so sure about marrying a cowboy because turns out

Cowboys don't like me.


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