
You know that saying "It's always a good day when you can come home and take off your pants"? No you don't?
I promise I didn't just make that up. Yeah, I made it up about three minutes ago. Four minutes if you count the minute it took to take off my pants, look for a hanger, and end up dropping my skinny jeans on my closet floor.
(Sorry I digressed.)
But you all know what I mean.
We've all had good days; we've all had bad days.
I know you've had a day in which you got an A on a test, talked to a cute frat boy outside the HSS, and (hallelujah!) didn't fall down the stairs in the Business Building.
But I also know you've had days in which you woke up to a cloudy day, didn't know you had a quiz, and spent your last dollar on unfulfilling pretzels from the vending machine.
After both days didn't it feel great to come home, check your Myspace, fix a healthy (or fattening) snack, and then take you pants off.
WHAT!?!? You don't do that? Please please try it. Unless you live with a roommate, or small children... In that case wait until you have a place to yourself.

Seriously, nothing is better than peeling off your heavy, nonbreathing, constricting, blue jeans.
Well.. maybe not NoTHiNG. It could be argued that Hevean beats taking off your pants.

But it sure is a close second.

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