Who Sent Me?

I'm from a mother who sang me You Are My Sunshine everytime I came out the bathtub.
I'm from a small town with a pizza parlor called Toppings, where everyone (and I mean everyone) held theyre birthday.
I'm from a racist highschool.
I'm from John Hagee Ministries and a pair of matching ATVs.
I'm from a father that answered zebra when I asked him what the secret password was. It wasn't.
I'm from the center of multicultural USA. And by multicultural I mean Romanians.
I'm from Maggie Court. Where the boys grow up to be Airforcers and the woman, teenage mothers.
I'm from some man's rib.
I'm from racoon eyes and sniffly noses.
I'm from a father whos arms cant close in front of him.
I'm from "I want her out of here."
And I'm from an Oliver Twist sing-a-long.
I'm from friday night events, outreaches, small groups, and coreteams.
I'm from an incubator where they put strong babies.
I'm from Mexico City.
I'm from Africa.
I'm from Tilburg.
I'm from a 1998 Hondai named Judea.
I'm from the poetry of my grandmother and the despairity of Emily Dickinson.
I'm from Jesus.

1 comment:

C4C: Kaleidoscope said...

You are my Diamond Wing - my Gift from OUR Daddy, your Daddy
- Abba Father Our God - Jehovah Jireh - Yahweh. I am Blessed to have you. You are specially made. Oma, Uncle Patrick, and Grandpapa adored you so.