
Today I woke up with a smile on my face. Not abnormal to how I usually live my life. But still my wake up routine brings life and spunk and happiness to my day. But today, I smiled for a different reason. There is something in the air. Because it was not just I who was smiling. The policeman at the airport was smiling. My beautiful Gagandip was smiling. My puppies who usually abuse me with their abnormally huge paws and sloppy tongues, were smiling. So it must be in the air! Everyone is in love with everyone else because it is officially SPRINGTIME. It is 70° and breezy. Everywhere there are random patches of perfectly wrapped presents labeled
To: San Antonio/From: God.
I call those presents "wild flowers". And I happen to believe that this is a new type of allergy. I must be allergic to happiness and love and friendship and spring. And the only symptom is smiling. No sneezing or red eyes for this Cheshire Sosi. I also happen to believe it is a good thing to be allergic to these seemingly positive ideas. THe allergen irritates us to appreciation. It is never overlooked as a mundane day. And as the symptoms get worse and worse the day gets more delightful.

 I don't need any Benadryl, thankyou.

1 comment:

Lisa said...

aww i loved that postsecret! I actually saved it on my computer when they first posted it :)