Food & RecWeek

walnut and pecan pancakes with crunchy peanut butter, greek honey, and blackberries

I came up with the best food combination ever yesterday too! Wholewheat grilled cheese, with spicy pepperjack, sprinkle cheddar, and spicy picante ramen noodles!  Of course I'm never the right one to TRY AND ACTUALLY CREATE the food. So I had help from my lovely assistant who I shall not name because he seems to likes it when I mention him in this blog.
I'm going to make those pancakes when I can afford to buy those supplies!

I'm turning into some sort of innovative master chef who can't cook. LIKE JULIA CHILD, but she can cook. So I'm wrong.

ANYWAYS, onto more important things. RECWEEK. I figure I will share a little bit so y'all can know why my past week really wRECked my life (in a good way)!! 

Community aspect: My FAVORITE thing about recweek is how we all get to know each other so well. You think you know someone by spending 68 hours a month with them.. Think again. I also love that we get to know so many people from other schools. I'll always have a place to stay at EVERY red river region school with an IVCF. So heres a couple of my favorite stories from this week: Ryan and I decided to hold long indepth conversations in kitty language (because we're annoying). So sometime in the middle of the day I'm trying to get his attention... and by now this is a totally appropriate way for me to communicate. So I say, "meow. meow. meooooooooooooow. MEOOOOOOOOW!" Ryan doesn't notice me, but the boy sitting in front of me does one of those half turns to see who I am without being rude. Meow.

Spiritual Aspect: I'm not going to go in depth on how God worked in my heart this week. Just because it's so intense. And I'm sure most of you won't believe me anyways. I'm so glad RecWeek exists. What better plans do you have for your week except to be fully engaged in The Word, to be constantly in an environment that promotes prayer, and to be fully focused on the Lord. If you want to encounter the Holy Spirit and have your life TRANSFORMED. This is it. So heres a quite simple story that really combated some of the ugliness in my heart and lies I've been telling myself for so long I didn't know they were lies. I was in the middle of my 3 hour retreat of silence, and I'm suddenly very annoyed by this butterfly near me. It lands on a building. It lands on a flower. It lands on concrete. It lands on a flower. It lands on the wooden staircase. It lands on a flower. And I'm thinking "How do you not get it!!!!!??? This is a flower!!!!! Half those things you landed on are not!!!! And can you please do this somewhere else where you won't distract me!!!!" But then suddenly I get it. EVERYTHING IN MY MIND CLEARS UP AND I REALIZE, this is just one of God's creatures doing what God intended it to do. Sometimes it misses the mark, but at least it tried. The cost of it landing on wood was so less than the gain of it landing on a flower. As I am also but a creature doing God's work. Suddenly I could see my fears, pride, and inadequacy through the eyes of my sovereign God. Revelations were made yadayadayada. Ask me about them.

I hope life is GOOOD. I hope you all are BLESSED to be a BLESSING! And Heyyyyyy I Leave For Mexico In Less Than A Month!!!

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