Goodbye 604! Hello 522!!

So I took my little Sarah to the airport. Packed Peggy's stuff. Packed my stuff. Unpacked my stuff. And now I'm sitting at my parents kitchen table. Eating Ramen....

It's this weird mix of two cultures I know well and love. I'm used to eating Ramen because it's the only thing I have, sitting on my small bed at my apartment. And usually it tastes really goooood. It hits the spot and I actually crave Ramen. So I get to my parent's house and out of everything I could of picked in the cupboards, pantry, or refrigerator.... I unpacked my Picante Chicken Flavored Ramen. 

Newsflash: Ramen tastes much better at my apartment. Here is tastes like... Nothing.
This is me. Eating Ramen. Cool.


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