Run On Sentences

I always write in run on sentences when I am overjoyed because I have no need to stop the overflowing of happiness with commas or periods or capital letters but for the sake of my readers maybe just maybe I'll use some punctuation after these pictures

Why am I so joyful you ask? Well it's because right now I'm studying at Borders with Lee.
No you'll never believe it when I tell you anyways. 
You'll say "But it is only November the eleventh!" 
And I will say "But it is true! Be jealous!" 
Okay I'll let you in on our little secret....


[If I die being somewhat famous for my love of pigs the quote I want to be remembered for is]
"Oh to be in love in a Christmas music playing bookstore."
-Sosina Haile 

1 comment:

Stephanie said...

Oh thanks for your recommendations! I will def order that when I try it. I'm so excited :)