
On Sunday, I sat in between my boyfriend and my friend at church. I held hands with both of them. I am not ashamed that when we stood up for prayer, everyone behind us probably thought we were in some sort of strange open relationship. Instead I would have been ashamed to have not appreciated God's grace in my life at the moment.

I did nothing to deserve the                               I did nothing to deserve the
love of mi novio. But God                                      friendship of smEllie. But
loves Lee and God uses                                        God cares for her and God
Lee to show me how much                                     uses her to show me how
God loves me.                                                         much God cares for me.


Later that night I lay in bed and decided not to read my bible or pray or journal. I decided to blow bubbles from my  new bubble necklace that Lee bought me. I always want to remember how I felt sittin' in God's presence and just blowin' bubbles. Maybe next time I have a bad day I can pull that feeling out and have peace beyond understanding. Bubbles are like God's grace. Perfect and complete and only destructed when earthly matters interfere. 

Plus... arent they beautiful????? 


Lisa said...

i absolutely LOVE that analogy!

Harshad Sonaje said...

Bold and Beautiful

Eva said...

what a beautiful post. loved it.
