Straight From My Diary

I can't imagine how exciting Paul's life must have been. He KNEW Jesus. They were BFF. They loved each other (NO HOMO) and had that relationship many Christians envy and strive for. Imagine how EXCITED Paul was when all prophecy came true about his friend. And then Jesus DIED and came back to life! If that happened to your bestfriend wouldnt you tell everyone you knew? Is Jesus your bestfriend? Should he be? ...So Paul laid down his own life to follow Jesus's call [as seen in Acts (etc)] He just wanted to tell everyone about the love and hope and amzingnessss about his FRIEND. HIS SAVIOUR. What if all Christians were like that? What would that look like? Can you imagine.... Amazing.

"Paul was devoted to a PERSON, not a cause."

[what if we took that and applied it to worship. worship being the ultimate goal of the church. worship being the destination of missions]


I'm posting the lyrical version of these songs. I really love them. I thought a black person sung both of them. I was wrong both times. I guess I just think all black people produce good music! ?

A Thousand Splendid Suns

This book changed my life.
And I know I say that about a million different books.
And I know a million people say that about a million different books.
And I know a million people say that about this book.
I'll be in pakistan with Afgani refugees.

(you still scare me.)

My Heart Cries Out

If it weren't for school, I would so be in Haiti.

Reasons Why I'm not Getting Married

1. I'm pretty much a character in a movie. Or better yet, a cartoon. No one can relate to me because reality doesn't mean much to me. I do what I want whether it's icecream for breakfast or playing the-floor-is-lava at college. No one will ever understand me because... I'm un-understandable.

2. My family is crazy! I have a huge family that is full of stepsiblings and once-removeds. My mom is the sweetest person I know but a lot of my friends are scared of her! And I have daddy-issues. We're all different races and skin tones so no one believes we're family! And none of us really get along. The good thing is that we all do love each other. But who would want to marry into this family? It's confusing!

3. I'm too stubborn. I'll never say I'm sorry for anything. And if my husband says he's sorry I'll see it as a sign of weakness!

4. I don't wanna!!!!!!!!! I used to reallyreallyreally want to get married and have kids. I figured at that moment, my life would start. I made my "future husband" an idol. I thought he would make it all better. He'd heal any hurts. He would be perfect. But now after spending a lot of time in prayer and in Phillipians, I realize that only Jesus is perfect. HIS LOVE IS ENOUGH. And so I started working on burying myself deep within Him, and keeping Him within me. When that change happend I realized two things. One: I want to do missions for the rest of my life. As a christian, it is my calling. Two: If I'm doing missions, I dont want a husband and kids! I don't want the idea of someone missing me back home. And I don't want to force someone to come along with me.

So maybe I did a complete 180 and that's not healthy either. The point is: I don't want to get married anymore. If it happens... it happens. But I'm content just being with my Lord.

Who Am I?

Is it sad that out of all my experiences on earth...

I'm still more like Tyler Durden than Jesus.


Sad. I'm working on it. Give me your eyes so I can see!

Happy Birthday Blessie!

Sooooo my Biscuitlover turned 19. Blessie always has the best birthdays. Thats one of the things I love about her. Speaking of things I love about her, here's nineteen of them!

1. She lets me call her whatever I want. She understands my love of nicknames and that fact that nicknames dont have to make sense. (Frito, JeanBob, Biscuit)
2. We talk about the same things over and over and it never gets old.
3. In highschol we one spent 36 hours together, just the two of us, in one room. Creeps.
4. We share a love of reading and writing. We support and inspire each other. I'm glad to have a friend like that :)
5. Blessie is really talented at anything artistic. Shes an artist in every sense of the word. I'm very jealous.
6. I love that she let me cut her hair once. And not just a little piece in the back... She let me cut about ten inches of hair off with kitchen scissors. One uneven inch at a time.
7. Blessie's gorgeous! I think she knows that she is. How could she not?! But she doesn't boast about it anything.
8. She knows me inside and out. SHe can read my intentions which is really annoying. Its actually something I hate about her. So it shouldn't be on this list.
9. Blessie says that I saved her life once. She doesnt know that everyday she saves mine.
10. Theres a picture of me going around the San Antonio Northside that Blessie drew of me. I just realized this "I love Blessie blog" is more about me than of Blessie... I suck.
11. Regifting Queen!
12. She accepts my family in all of its craziness. She even calls my parents Aunti Brenya nad Uncle Ron. Apreciated =)
13. I love that she's an architecture major. It's something I never would have seen her wanting to do in highschool. But it fits her perfectly like traveling pants.
14. Google man, Lala Dimple, and Damien all mean something to her.
15. She loves her brother and hates her brother at the same time. Only... she doesn't really hate him.
16. She has hopefully ignored all the spelling/grammar mistakes I've made in this post because she knows I have no intention of editing because...
17. Blessie likes things raw. Like poetry.
18. She's down for everything. She planned a camping trip in two days. Got in the car with me and let me drive her out of the city without telling her where we were going till that day. And she paraded around Austin without a jacket in freezing weather.
19. Blessie and I spend important holidays together. (Thanksgiving, Mothers Day, Fathers Day, New Years)

Happy Birthday BeeQeenShnukums!

Not Fair.

I'm afraid.
Of a lot of things.
I remember when my worst fear was knives.
Or really just anything sharp...
Potatoe peelers... *shudders*
But there is so much more to be scared of now a days.
Terrorists. Loss of family members. Death.

But mostly I'm afraid of YOU.
And the way you make me feel.

And I'm hoping my readers are wondering who I'm talking about.
And I'm hoping y'all think this is romantic and I must be in love and stuff.
But that's not the case.
At all.

It's not fair to either of us.