
Am I abnormal? Peculiar? Strange?
How come I must ask Jesus to rejuvenate me ALLTHEFRICKINTIME?
I can't do anything by myself or without Him!
I reach my breaking point quicker than other people do.
I cling to, rely on, seek comfort from JESUS more often than people would think I do.
So here I am again. Broken. Human.
Jesus, I need you. Always. Always. Always.
Do y'all constantly need Jesus to breath life into you? Or is it just me?


Sorry I haven't updated in about a week.
I had been captured by aliens.
They placed a blockade in my mind.
Thus I have... Writer's Block.

They All Decided To Be True To Themselves

This is an illustration by Joanna Abott Moss featured in The Persistence Of Yellow. She never lifts her pen off the paper when she draws. Continuous line drawing. 

[One Monday morning,
Juanita decided to dance the Cha Cha
her sister Sylvia
learned to play the acordian,
Gloria invented a new language.
They all decided
to be true to themselves.]
I wish I could let Jesus define me. 
What is status? What are labels?
 I am not A GIRL. I am not a MIXED POET. I am not the PRAYER COORDINATOR of IVCF. 
Of course, I am all of those things.
 But I am not any of those things compared to who Jesus is. 
[And who I am in Jesus.] 
I want to be defined by who I am in Christ. 
I dwell in Him and He in me. (1 John 4:13).
 I want to hate my mother. Hate my puppies. Hate my brothers.
 And hate myself in comparison to how much I love my Father. (Luke14:25-27).
 Just like that Monday morning when Juanita danced the ChaCha, I want to be true to myself.
 I want to be true to God first, thus being true to myself.

So I Can See

I need Your eyes right about now!
And after that I'll probably need Your hands.


Today I woke up with a smile on my face. Not abnormal to how I usually live my life. But still my wake up routine brings life and spunk and happiness to my day. But today, I smiled for a different reason. There is something in the air. Because it was not just I who was smiling. The policeman at the airport was smiling. My beautiful Gagandip was smiling. My puppies who usually abuse me with their abnormally huge paws and sloppy tongues, were smiling. So it must be in the air! Everyone is in love with everyone else because it is officially SPRINGTIME. It is 70° and breezy. Everywhere there are random patches of perfectly wrapped presents labeled
To: San Antonio/From: God.
I call those presents "wild flowers". And I happen to believe that this is a new type of allergy. I must be allergic to happiness and love and friendship and spring. And the only symptom is smiling. No sneezing or red eyes for this Cheshire Sosi. I also happen to believe it is a good thing to be allergic to these seemingly positive ideas. THe allergen irritates us to appreciation. It is never overlooked as a mundane day. And as the symptoms get worse and worse the day gets more delightful.

 I don't need any Benadryl, thankyou.


Next time I go to Barksdale, I'm not coming back. Just letting y'all know.

Summer Olympic's 2012, I will be competing. Mark my words. My event: The Singing Bee. Lee and Clint will probably be in the audience or watching from home because I totally dominated them in this game. They had no chance. "Hey I'm A Country Man. Hunting Me A Good Little Country Girl Tan". No Clint. No. So filling in lyrics to songs isn't exactly a sporting event. So on a more serious note, Spring Break 2011 we're going to Nashville to compete on CMT.

5 Things:
1. Clint caught a fish. If it was a shoe it would probably be size 11 mens.
2. The boys made a "If Anything Happens, Protect Sosi" Pact. Chance backed out. Loser :P
3. I chased down and held my first bird. And by bird I mean ball of yellow fluff.
4. inaudible
5. Galatians 16:4. Verse for the week. :)


1. talk to my church about support for MX!
2. make thankyou cards for my supporters!
3. wear a dress every single day!
4. get a head start on my spanish project!
5. finish reading Dorian Gray!
6. watch The Lord Of The Rings Trilogy in it's entirety.
7. have way too much fun in san antonio and in barksdale!


Mr. Postman,

Could you have been any meaner to me this morning? Seriously! Was your condescending tone necessary? Does is sweeten up your day to see a poor innocent girl like me be humiliated? Were you too dragged out of bed, forgoing your favored morning 2 sugars 2 creams cup of joe, just to arrive here at 8 (or 10:45 doesnt matter) so that I could have my appointment with your scowling face? Must you be such a JERK? No, I'm not sixteen. Yes, I am eighteen. No, I'm not married, you just asked me if I was sixteen! Oh wait. I'm nineteen. Sorry. Sorrrrrrry. Didn't know being nineteen offended  you so much. You were nineteen at some point weren't you? Oh you werent... ? You were born middle aged and disgruntled? Sucks for you. Don't take it out on me. You see, it was just my birthd.... I don't have my birth certifcate. I just brought my passport. ...Sigh. When's your next available appointment? --5 minutes later my missionary self was crying on the phone to my mom. Life is too much. The devil is a workin'! My darling postman, I suggest Folger's hazelnut blend for tomorrow. You're a.... MEANIE.

I'm Finally A CoolKiddo... Again.

Blogging is cool now! I'm finally cool!

me being cool

Paloma Darling,

This is a pleas from me to you: find me...

Soda fountain favorites never live long enough to become Fountains of Life for overlooked plumber's daughters and spastic overly-sarcastic ex-president's wives.

Their popularity depended on the dependency of the product and with the absence of cocaine from the bottom of the bottles, everyone suddenly realized that coke...
was just a joke
and there was no real hope of giving youth to the old and spunk to the young.

All it did was make your heart beat faster and teeth chitterchatter while brushing the leftovers of life from teething memories biting you in the heart with could have beens and diabetes.

Everyone's eyes were finally pulled open and hearts were broken to what they had forgotten to see:
The end is ALWAYS near,
Life is too short no matter how many songs you have on your mp3. We no longer only kill the things that we hate but things we love with

Betraying with smiles and cowardly kisses
from the almighty Jesus
 to your father's future mistress, the neighbor's Mrs.
LOVE is all you need! But just in case keep an aka47 in your pocket
and a grenade in your palm.

Wisdom leads to knowledge,
but not the presidency because this country club will make sure of that with the Electoral College.

Only the courageous really live while the rest of us are really dead before we will die.

Nothing is more OVERCOMPENSATING than a huge 1 mile per gallon hummer.
And with all this terribly refreshing realization
People kept to themselves and wept inside
It must have been a bummer to discover that the fountain of life all this time is a best seller and the Garden Of Eden cant be processes, packaged, sugared, and put on shelves but it is something ingeniously given that we can never achieve or buy by ourselves.


There are only two things I know for certain.

1. Jesus, you are strong.
2. Jesus, you are loving.

(Psalms 62:11-12)

Mythological Creatures&Other True Stories

Couples head to that wooden boat.
Loved ones watch on with water at their ankles and in their eyes.
Still, they're blood will live on forever.
But I am just a unicorn.
And my mate ran off with the centaur.

My Friends

Lemme Explain:
We are not jumping. It is literally raining minorities. LITERALLY.

This is at my 20ish birthday!
 Kelsi is super amazing at  catching M&Ms in her mouth.
 I played too even though Mars uses slaves
 to make those delicious chocolate candies.
We saw Alice and Wonderland in 3D!
This movie just affirmed that nothing to me
is reality. My friends said I was like the druggie
rabbit in the movie. Haha. :)

My birthday was amazing thanks to this tool. :)

You are cordially invited to me and Sarah's wedding.
10 points to whoever can figure out what's going on
in this picture. Of course, the points don't matter.


You are always there for me when things go wrong. When my world comes crashing down and I'm standing on top of debris; amidst my failures and hopelessness, Out of the cold, grey, dusty, fog comes you. A prayer already being spoken. A shoulder to wipe my runny mascaray eyes on. An innapropriate hand to hold. "Divine Appointment" you say.
And You. You are the one who picks me up and cradles me to Your chest. Beloved. You turn my persecution to perseverance. My perseverance becomes faith in Your name. And my faith ultimatly transforms into joy. You are my joy. When even my brokeness is broken You are there with a needle and thread. And glue. You are my glue.
And you. You are no where to be seen. At first. Second glances reveal your cowering shadow cornered by eggshells litering the floor. But there are no eggshells amongst the orphans and the widows. I am your homeless widowed orphan child. There's no need to quest from counrty to country looking for the loveless. I'm right here.
This has been a bad week. I hope my blog doesn't want you to commit suicide or anything!

Inspired By Easton Corbin.

This is where I live.
SATX! Look at that moon!

But I am NOT from San Antonio.
This is my beautiful hometown.

Frederick, Maryland.

Imagine a green field, full of onions
where we'd eat cran apples and chew on grass on our way home
from school...
Im a little more country than that.
Picture a small town full of silos; We'd roll inside the small ones when they got old.
Every man wore a plaid shirt to church to accentuate his outofcontrol potbelly.And behind the church was Butterfly Creek where every kid went on their first field trip. The fish are small but the stories are HUGE.
Im a little more country that.
"I just want to make sure you just know who your gettin under this ol hat"
Im a little more country than that.
Think of our one clear radio station FRE100. You can't spell Frederick without FRE.
Im a little more country than that.
"If you want a brick home in a school zone,
With the doors locked and alarms on,
You're way off track.
Im a little more country than that."

Hands town Texas is better than Maryland.
But small town Maryland beats small town Texas.
We're from the country and we like it that way!